So initially when I was told I needed to keep a log book of all my work, exhibitions I've been to, inspiration I've seen and anything else that's had anything to do with my work... I nearly died!
I did not see that point in creating more work for myself, I thought it would interfere with my work and get in the way!
In actual fact it wasn't any work at all and I found myself putting all this together naturally just to keep myself organised!
We don't need to do this for Year2 but I definitely will as its now like my bible, I use it all the time to refer to for my work!
My log book holds they key to my work, my artist research is neatly collated, as are reviews I've read, exhibitions I've been too... Not forgetting the pages of lecture notes I've written!
So if ever you get asked to do one! Do it.... It doesn't need to be backbreaking and it's easier if you do it as you go along!
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