Saturday, 16 November 2013
Trials and Tribulations
Ged Quinn: Raw notes from exhibition
GED Quinn: 1. cakes painted as sculptures, change context of cake a a food but more of a sculptural form.
Bunker archaeology, 17 years later, indifferent and far from home.
2. Looks initially as a contemporary still life then you notice the hidden abstract pattern in left hand corner and random flower like object in the middle! Dark but beautiful looks like illustration has escaped from the book!
What's so funny about peace love and understanding.
I like to know what I'm being shown!! Stunning, almost like a conventional painting if flowers then you are struck my photo like image in the middle, plays on title as you don't know why you are being shown! Modern vs abstract vs traditional painting methods! Faces ghostlike like a memory forgotten! Haunting the painting.
Felix culpa: again abstract vs traditional portrait! Old vs new, history vs present!
To burn the fleece of a grazing cloud: at first struck by size, then by the sheer talent almost looks like a constable painting! Then you are drawn to all the beautiful abstract elements and details. Like a Dali you don't know if your in the artists dreams or visions!? Symbols you can't quite explain but feel like you understand! Religious imagery striking and playful.
What the lark said (death and the maiden) plays with perspective and layout: aspects of composition not possible (illusions)! Bird "hoho" humour: making a joke of death?!
On making the heart of the forest: beautiful! God: female: creator: artist!
The book of two ways : see photos