
Monday, 19 November 2012

Sculpture Project.... Thinking back and looking ahead!!


So now it time for my Sculpture project to be handed in.....
  1. You've learned at least one valuable thing this project. What is it?
I've learnt that sculpture can be for anyone. Before starting this project I was really anxious, the only sculpture I had really done before was your typical clay, plaster and wire pieces!
This project was different, it gave you the freedom to use what ever materials you wanted, and also the time to play around and explore the individual qualities of whatever you had chosen.
I really enjoyed being able to break, bend and deface my materials as it showed  me a completely different way of looking at things. It taught me how to look at things not just for what they are but also for what they could be!
Sculpture is about exploring, which is something I love to do so I have thouroughly enjoyed this project and I am now even considering doing sculpture again going forward.