So today I did my first presentation to my Art Class and tutor! It was a group presentation where we were given two artists to research and present to our peers!
Myself and my friend worked really hard gathering all our information, researching in the library and organising what and how we would present out work!
The challenge we faced was our third and final group member, who didn't meet up with us to do our research, also turned up on the Monday without much more than a paragraph!
I was really worried this would drag our mark down, I was equally as worried that she would get the credit for all of the work me and number 1 had done!!
Turns out you can't fake a presentation! Myself and number 1 stormed it, because we knew our stuff it was easy to talk about without looking at our notes! We were able to answer questions without worrying about the answers!
Believe it or not I wasn't even nervous, and I think was down to the fact we were prepared!
I've always avoided presentations in the past and dreaded any that have come my way! By doing this I have only made things harder for myself!
Because I threw myself into this one, I found it easy, I was confident and would definitely do it again!