
Monday, 9 December 2013

Looking back over Term 1 and over the rainbow to Term 2

Reflective Report: Lisa Hannon: DVA264

Where do I start, as you may have noticed where I start never turns out to be anywhere close to where I finish? Neither does where I finish end up being anywhere near where I saw myself going! Whilst in practice this can be extremely frustrating it is also something I have learnt to embrace and enjoy.

Restricting myself in a proposal, means restricting myself in my practice: so while my proposal was entirely where I saw myself going at that time, the following week I felt entrapped by it and had to find a way of starting again, moving forward.

I have discovered that its not about knowing about where your going or about a “final piece,” neither do I need to worry or stress myself with this not knowing. This knowledge is allowing me to be more free.

Whilst I knew all along where my interests lay, and what sort of impression I wanted my work to leave on the viewer, I didn’t need to have restricted myself my stressing about how I was going to do this. My tutorials with Craig were invaluable as without him I’d probably still be worrying. Craig reassured me it was ok to be experimenting and “playing” as my research and interests would come through in my work by themselves, by forcing it would only confine my thoughts.

Ironically while I have not met the specifics of my original proposal, I do feel that somehow by looking at the relationships between my experiments and pieces that I have started to tell my story to the viewer with each little piece in relation to the other representing a different part.

Initially my research started and was very much influenced by Pippi Lottie Rist, an artist who creates the most beautiful environments and cultures which her viewers not only experience but very much become a part of. This was something I wanted to do, to not only create work that the viewer could enjoy, but something they could relate and feel they became a part of. 

In practice, planning, or thinking I knew what I wanted to achieve meant I had no idea at all, so by looking at different artist such as Helen Chadwick I was able to reopen my mind to different options and by doing so free my practice.

I love how my work has developed through my studio practice and pushing the boundaries found by mistakes, experimenting and new techniques. This is something that I am definitely going to push even further, I have some thoughts as to where Id like this to go, but I’m not going to led this blind me.

For example, with the work with my face casts, I’d like to start using precious metals, shrink them even further and find new ways to create work from the original face mould.

The work with the Dodecahedrons however, I see getting bigger: these pieces representing me getting bigger/ stronger. They represent me trying pulling together all the mayhem in my mind into a precise carefully constructed object to present to the viewer as I present myself to the world everyday.

Again the study of my mental state, perception and insight will be the foundation of my practice, linking further into phrenology, possibly Freud and almost certainly Krishna Murti.

“P: The moment you posit something outside of consciousness, you are positing a state which may or may not exist.”