
Saturday, 19 October 2013

From Mental illness to latex

So on my little journey to looking at depression, how I deal with it and how others see it.... I have been playing with various images and mediums!

My practice started with something said to me, "when in the bath, try and keep the water perfectly still, like a mirror if glass!" By doing so you practice keeping your mind calm and your body completely relaxed! 

Mind mirrors water... Water becomes a mirror... Mind equals calm! 

I started taking hoots videos of water in the bath to try and capture this excerise 

I love the photos but they didn't portray the message I wanted to give. They almost looked like landscapes from an alien planet rather than a representation of a challenged mind!

Year 2 : Term 1.... So far

So with my study Proposal done and project started I thought it was time to have a little look back at how I'm getting on!? 

So far I have made good progress with my practice! I initially was trying to come up with some unbelievable, deep concept which would change the art world! Whilst I had some good ideas I soon realised that by doing so I had completely restricted my mind, work flow and ideas! 

I have now gone back to the beginning (again) playing, researching an experimenting! It's such a freer way to work, I have found that by removing all boundaries that I am free in both my mind and practice allowing me to do whatever I want! 

I definitely work better without restriction, being able to bounce if others and my own ideas. This is odd as I always thought freedom was scary and I preferred a few rules/ a brief or guidelines so I could go wrong - and knew what I was doing! 

Turns out I the them as te envied panic if I start to deviate from the path set for me!  

Monday, 14 October 2013

I'm back!!!

Two weeks in and I'm happy to say the love for my degree is still there. The only thing that saddens me is that I have not been in touch over the summer! 

I have realised that this is where my heart is... I'm still not sure how or where this path is leading me in terms of a career but I know that my practice is fast becoming an integral part of my life.

It is almost like a cognitive approach to dealing with aspects of my life and health that I have never dealt with properly before. This approach is now seemingly lead my work, through discovery of oneself I am discovering me, my visual language and the context in which I work 

Peace x