
Monday, 1 October 2012


Found the most amazing book .....

Day 1 .... Painting

So I have been given my first painting project for 11years!

Initially I was terrified as you can see from my previous post the still life we were given was not as simple as it first seemed. I wasn't the only one, everybody was the same which made me feel significantly better.

Like riding a bike it came back to me, the layers of paint quickly built up along with my confidence!
Confidence is a huge thing for me... I tend to never like my work despite positive feedback. I know this is something that I desperately need to work on throughout my degree.

I had forgotten how nice it was to transform a blank sheet of paper into an array of colours. Transforming what you see into your own interpretation of its vision.

Graham really seemed to like my take on the task which again shook a huge weight off my shoulders and left me with a spurt of inspiration.

I was also relieved to hear we could could go as far into this "interiors" theme as we liked. As this meant I could try and incorporate my love for the psychedelic sixties.

Day1 has been challenging, in all the right ways. For one I know I have made the right choice to go back to Uni at 28 and leave my job. There is also a huge part of me that has been inspired by today and cannot wait to see where this degree takes me.

Peace and paintbrushes,


First day of painting.......

So first day of painting ... Been given a box with a cup next to a box with a photo.