
Sunday, 6 January 2013

Photography, looking back

Photography, looking back 

Of three projects this was the one I was dreading the most, unlike most people in my class I had never done photography before except as mentioned above for amateur fun shots. It was this lack of experience and knowledge that frightened me the most.

Ironically this project was the one I ended up enjoying the most, I love the freedom it gave me, I only wish I had more time to experiment with techniques and methods so I could go even further into it.

 My Favourite aspect of photography in a Fine Art capacity was the freedom it gave me, it didn’t matter where I was, what time of day or how noisy it was I could create a piece if work instantly.  Learning about contemporary photography has really opened my eyes to an endless pool of ideas.

A great website which I have found whilst doing this project is: it is one I will definitely refer to again.

This is an area I definitely will incorporate into all my work in future, although I do feel I’d like to a Photoshop course or something similar. I feel I have only just brushed the surface of the possibilities within not only my camera but also within me.

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