So one thing I have noticed in my first few weeks of being a mature Fine Art student, is that apart from my group I do not have a clue who anyone else is.
Year 2/3's just walk past us in the corridor like nameless faces, there are no social events, no groups to join.. nothing!
So me being me, have started in my own little way to try and change this!
I have set up a Facebook page, I know this sounds mundane but its been really nice to see everyone interacting with each other, arranging group trips etc!
As well as this I have also been trying to set up an Art Society, so far I have 20 names of Year 1's who want to join....
Again through the Facebook I am creating more interest, everyones chatting online regarding names for the group and arranging trips!
Whilst there is a part of me that is surprised none of this exists at the University already, another part of me is really glad that I can be the one who has started this little ball rolling.
Being a mature student is really an advantage as I can see how important these things are and I'm not too embarrassed to set them up for fear of being a "geek" or a "jobs worth." I know the importance of not being drunk every night, staying on top of my work and networking with fellow colleagues etc!
I know I now sound like a geek again but hey ho!! I guess I am... but when your paying £7900 a year you have to be :)
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