
Monday, 19 November 2012

Sculpture Project.... Thinking back and looking ahead!!


So now it time for my Sculpture project to be handed in.....
  1. You've learned at least one valuable thing this project. What is it?
I've learnt that sculpture can be for anyone. Before starting this project I was really anxious, the only sculpture I had really done before was your typical clay, plaster and wire pieces!
This project was different, it gave you the freedom to use what ever materials you wanted, and also the time to play around and explore the individual qualities of whatever you had chosen.
I really enjoyed being able to break, bend and deface my materials as it showed  me a completely different way of looking at things. It taught me how to look at things not just for what they are but also for what they could be!
Sculpture is about exploring, which is something I love to do so I have thouroughly enjoyed this project and I am now even considering doing sculpture again going forward.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

My First Presentation!!!! Eeeeek....

So today I did my first presentation to my Art Class and tutor! It was a group presentation where we were given two artists to research and present to our peers!

Myself and my friend worked really hard gathering all our information, researching in the library and organising what and how we would present out work!

The challenge we faced was our third and final group member, who didn't meet up with us to do our research, also turned up on the Monday without much more than a paragraph!

I was really worried this would drag our mark down, I was equally as worried that she would get the credit for all of the work me and number 1 had done!!

Turns out you can't fake a presentation! Myself and number 1 stormed it, because we knew our stuff it was easy to talk about without looking at our notes! We were able to answer questions without worrying about the answers!

Believe it or not I wasn't even nervous, and I think was down to the fact we were prepared!

I've always avoided presentations in the past and dreaded any that have come my way! By doing this I have only made things harder for myself!

Because I threw myself into this one, I found it easy, I was confident and would definitely do it again!

Staying Organised


Wednesday, 7 November 2012

How do you organise an Artist??!

As a full time mature student trying to work, set up an art society organisation is proving to be a hoot!

If I'm not running to lectures, the studio or work I'm researching, writing up note and drafting ideas!

Organisation is key for me and at thanks to my job I think it is one of my strengths! I think it is also helped by the fact I a bit older!

Going out and socialising is not a priority of mine, therefore I have plenty of time I stay organised!

I literally love on my iPhone, everything is on here as its always at my hands!
Timetable, ideas, notes and trips all kept constantly up to date!

I also set reminders for bits I need to buy, to do lists! You name it its on here!!!

I say this now but it'll be interesting to see how I cope once work and assignments build up!!!

Monday, 5 November 2012

Sculpture... who'd have thought it!

Never would have thought it but I LOVE SCULPTURE!!!

Our first task was to make something from the load of rubbish left over in the studio. The consisted of nothing but, scraps of card, plastic, strips of metal and doilies!

Yes doilies....!!

We were also given a number of options as to what we made, a structure to support ones weight, highest freestanding sculpture, join to walls together and many more.

I chose to join two walls together using the doilies!

I dont know whether it was the fact I felt like a child by being able to make a mess and make things, or the fact I had the freedom to what I wanted but I really enjoyed playing with the doilies. 
Trying to work out how best to stick them together, how to join them without them collapsing on itself, how to get them and me up high into the corner of the room?

I have a feeling that I'm really going to enjoy this project.. I'll keep you posted .....

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Inspiration, Perception and Deception

‎"A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, it was calculated that 1,100 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.

Three minutes went by, and a middle aged man noticed there was musician playing. He slowed his pace, and stopped for a few seconds, and then hurried up to meet his schedule.

A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the till and without stopping, and continued to walk.

A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him, but the man looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work.

The one who paid the most attention was a 3 year old boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried, but the kid stopped to look at the violinist. Finally, the mother pushed hard, and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on.

In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money, but continued to walk their normal pace. He collected $32. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.

No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the most talented musicians in the world. He had just played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, on a violin worth $3.5 million dollars.

Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100.

This is a real story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste, and priorities of people. The outlines were: in a commonplace environment at an inappropriate hour: Do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?

One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be:

If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?" By: Josh Nonnenmoc.

Painting Project.... Thinking back and ahead!!

So painting project is done... work handed in and group critic embarrassingly endured!

  1. You've learned at least one valuable thing this project. What is it?

I know this sound silly, but I feel like I have learned so much, I am looking at everything differently. It is as though the blinkers have been taking off and I'm seeing for the first time.

Contextual studies is fascinating, by learning how/ why and what has been done before me is making me appreciate Art in such a different way!

As for the painting project, my most valuable lesson was stripping everything right back:

  • Dark and light
  • Perspective
  • Colour mixing
  • Contents
  • Subject
Over the years you are brainwashed by schools to COPY previous artists work as opposed to being influenced by them to create your own ideas. I love this new freedom I have and the confidence this is giving me to follow my own ideas and instincts! 

I now cant wait to actually start my own work without being afraid to do my own thing. I have learnt that Im not the biggest fan of painting on its own, I love experimenting with texture, colour and abstract shapes!

There are a few artists who I am really interesting in looking at, and I cannot wait to try and bring my sixties inspirations and influences to these methods in the future. I am also interested in trying to use Vermeers concepts from the 1600's with a modern twist. I have so many ideas I don't even know where to start. But like Graham (my tutor) has said the best way to start is just by experimenting, starting over and over again and just seeing where the paint takes you! 

Bringing the artists together.....

So one thing I have noticed in my first few weeks of being a mature Fine Art student, is that apart from my group I do not have a clue who anyone else is.

Year 2/3's just walk past us in the corridor like nameless faces, there are no social events, no groups to join.. nothing!

So me being me, have started in my own little way to try and change this!

I have set up a Facebook page, I know this sounds mundane but its been really nice to see everyone interacting with each other, arranging group trips etc!
As well as this I have also been trying to set up an Art Society, so far I have 20 names of Year 1's who want to join....

Again through the Facebook I am creating more interest, everyones chatting online regarding names for the group and arranging trips!

Whilst there is a part of me that is surprised none of this exists at the University already, another part of me is really glad that I can be the one who has started this little ball rolling.
Being a mature student is really an advantage as I can see how important these things are and I'm not too embarrassed to set them up for fear of being a "geek" or a "jobs worth." I know the importance of not being drunk every night, staying on top of my work and networking with fellow colleagues etc!

I know I now sound like a geek again but hey ho!! I guess I am... but when your paying £7900 a year you have to be :)

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Ways of Seeing: John Berger

Another book I've been told will be of help....

Painting Week 2.....

So it turns out that Art is a lot harder than everyone first thought, and you know what I am glad about this! I am glad I'm doing a degree that is mentally and physically challenging me...

Trying to figure out where your are going to take a still life of a box and plastic cup is one of the hardest things Ive ever had to do.
You may think this sounds easy, but when you try to paint this and paint this ONLY, you start to discover all sorts of challenge that you didn't at first consider.

  1. Lighting
  2. Thickness of paint
  3. Brush or other tools?
  4. Perspective
  5. Style
  6. Compostition
Not forgetting that a box with a cup in it is not everyones usual subject of choice! I have been out of practice for a while, so I took comfort in the fact that even the "straight from schoolers" were struggling.

But somehow leading from the theme of interiors, I have found myself on quite an exciting journey. One of self exploration and exploring the ideas and concepts of others.

Monday, 1 October 2012


Found the most amazing book .....

Day 1 .... Painting

So I have been given my first painting project for 11years!

Initially I was terrified as you can see from my previous post the still life we were given was not as simple as it first seemed. I wasn't the only one, everybody was the same which made me feel significantly better.

Like riding a bike it came back to me, the layers of paint quickly built up along with my confidence!
Confidence is a huge thing for me... I tend to never like my work despite positive feedback. I know this is something that I desperately need to work on throughout my degree.

I had forgotten how nice it was to transform a blank sheet of paper into an array of colours. Transforming what you see into your own interpretation of its vision.

Graham really seemed to like my take on the task which again shook a huge weight off my shoulders and left me with a spurt of inspiration.

I was also relieved to hear we could could go as far into this "interiors" theme as we liked. As this meant I could try and incorporate my love for the psychedelic sixties.

Day1 has been challenging, in all the right ways. For one I know I have made the right choice to go back to Uni at 28 and leave my job. There is also a huge part of me that has been inspired by today and cannot wait to see where this degree takes me.

Peace and paintbrushes,


First day of painting.......

So first day of painting ... Been given a box with a cup next to a box with a photo.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Exhibition Notes #1 Craig Mulholland


Craig Mulholland
20 September - 21 October 2012
Launch Night 20 September 6-8pm

Notes taken on the day on I-Phone:

Initially i felt scared looks like a ghost or someone trying to tell you something but is either frightened or struggling to do so.

Finger prints look very forensic like a murder scene or something! The sporadic locations also quite unnerving as there is not pattern.

The words on the boards look angry, written in red bold characters, shouting. As they're on projector screens which are used to communicate to audience this coneys to me someone trying to get a message out. 

The exhibition itself is like a classroom somewhere where a lot of us maybe felt constricted or controlled! The artist here looks like he is trying to fight against this! 

Dragging fingerprints portray to me someone trying to drag themselves away or maybe even escape from the conformities of society, represented here by the classroom! 

Week 1 Summary

Well week one is done and dusted ... as its only been Induction week I'll do a wee day by day summary of whats happened... Easier that way!

Well after everyones initial shock at my age turns out I have been put with some lovely, like minded people. This is a huge relief!

Do feel slightly as though we are in Big Brother, we are so different its untrue.. all only sharing the passion and drive to complete our Art Degree. It is almost as though we are an experiment, put together to be watched, documented and analysed by our peers for some random Higher Educational Art based Psychology project.


Hangovers everywhere, despite common belief that this is the season for the common cold. The stories from Freshers week are definitely making me glad to be "Mature!"

More introductions to departments... people and the joys of Admin. Still no sign of picking up a pencil!



Finally something exciting........ also managed to squeeze a hint of shopping in!


All I can report today is that we won a quiz, and told our project groups for next week!

Looking forward to next week like you wouldn't believe...


Welcome to my blog...

I hope to use this to diarise and log my life as a Fine Art student.....  and aspiring Artist..... Everything from exhibitions, events, classes, personal learns and experiences.

Might take some time to get going but start classes next week so lets see where that takes me.

Wish me luck!

Peace and paintbrushes..... Lisa x